Consultation in the parish
Consultation is the service the faithful gives to their pastors in the Church to assist them in carrying out their responsibilities to God and to us all. Whether it be in the spiritual care, instruction, and guidance of the Christian community, or in the administration of the earthly goods which the Church uses for its apostolic activities, the pastors in the Church need the help and cooperation of all whom they are sent to serve. Consultation is nothing more and nothing less than the familial conversation between pastors and their people in striving to live the life of Christ more fully in the parish. The necessity of consultation in the Church derives from the interdependence of pastors and parishioners upon one another in their response to God’s personal call in their lives. Consultation is not meant to replace the work of the pastor in the Church. In fact, it is the pastor who must call forth consultation, and inspire and guide the manner in which it is given. Shared responsibility is exactly what it says. It is the responsibility of both pastors and their people. If there were an abundance of priests available to serve as pastors, shared responsibility would be no less necessary for the fulfillment of the mission of the parish.
There is maintained a clear distinction between policy formation—the proper work of the parish pastoral council and the parish finance council—and administration—the proper work of the pastor and parish staff. At the same time, members of the parish staff offer to the both consultative bodies their knowledge and judgment regarding questions under discussion.
There is maintained a clear distinction between policy formation—the proper work of the parish pastoral council and the parish finance council—and administration—the proper work of the pastor and parish staff. At the same time, members of the parish staff offer to the both consultative bodies their knowledge and judgment regarding questions under discussion.
Parish Pastoral Council
The parish pastoral council is a consultative body by which the Christian faithful of a parish, together with those who have pastoral authority in the parish, give their help in fostering pastoral activity. Its work is to be informed and inspired by the vision of the Church.
Membership -- Two methods are used for choosing members: two-thirds of the members are elected by the whole parish and one-third of the members are appointed by the pastor, with special attention to the representation of the different aspects of pastoral work in the parish, and of the different states of life, and social and professional conditions of the parishioners. All members serve a two-year term which can be renewed twice. The pastor is to maintain an openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit at all meetings of the parish pastoral council and to foster consultation by seeking the counsel of all the members, by encouraging an understanding hearing of each member, and by responding to the expressed counsel of the members. Responsibilities -- The parish pastoral council is the principal consultative body in the parish. The responsibilities of the pastoral council extend to all aspects of pastoral life in the parish. The ways by which it fulfills its shared responsibility are: the spiritual enrichment and growth of its members; the study of the Christian life of the People of God with special attention to their Christian vision, needs and hopes; the discernment of the relationship of the pastoral activity of the parish to the legitimate needs and hope of the parish community; the help in establishing priorities among the various aspects of the pastoral activity of the parish; and the formation of policy and the development of programs of pastoral activity. Relationship to the Finance Council -- The parish pastoral council and the parish finance council are distinct bodies by virtue of their distinct purposes, their distinct responsibilities, and the distinct qualifications for membership on each. To facilitate the communication between the two parish councils, it is recommended that one member of each council attend the meetings of the other council. |
Next Meeting:
Parish Finance council
The parish finance council is a consultative body which helps the pastor to act justly and prudently in the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. Its work is to be informed and inspired by the vision of the Church.
Membership -- Because of the particular qualities required of the members of the parish finance council, the members are to be appointed by the pastor after careful inquiry regarding who among the faithful are best qualified for appointment. Members should be known for their ability and integrity in the administration of temporal goods. The members of the parish finance council are appointed to a two-year term which can be renewed twice. The pastor is to maintain an openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit at all meetings of the parish finance council, and to foster consultation by seeking the counsel of all the members, by encouraging an understanding hearing of each member, and by responding, according to his pastoral judgment, to the expressed counsel of the members.
Responsibilities -- The parish finance council is a consultative body which helps the pastor to act justly and prudently in the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. The ways by which it fulfills its shared responsibility are: the spiritual enrichment and growth of the members; formation of financial policies, including the devising and regular monitoring of a parish budget, and of policies for the proper maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the parish; long-range financial planning; preparation of an annual financial report; and attention to civil law pertaining to the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.
Relationship to the Pastoral Council -- The parish finance council and the parish pastoral council are distinct consultative bodies in the parish. The parish finance council has responsibility to give counsel to the pastor regarding the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. The parish pastoral council has responsibility to give counsel to the pastor regarding the pastoral activity in the parish. Good communication between the two councils is essential so that the best use of the parish’s temporal goods can be made for the spiritual good of the parish. To facilitate the communication between the two parish councils, it is recommended that one member of each council attend the meetings of the other council.
Membership -- Because of the particular qualities required of the members of the parish finance council, the members are to be appointed by the pastor after careful inquiry regarding who among the faithful are best qualified for appointment. Members should be known for their ability and integrity in the administration of temporal goods. The members of the parish finance council are appointed to a two-year term which can be renewed twice. The pastor is to maintain an openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit at all meetings of the parish finance council, and to foster consultation by seeking the counsel of all the members, by encouraging an understanding hearing of each member, and by responding, according to his pastoral judgment, to the expressed counsel of the members.
Responsibilities -- The parish finance council is a consultative body which helps the pastor to act justly and prudently in the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. The ways by which it fulfills its shared responsibility are: the spiritual enrichment and growth of the members; formation of financial policies, including the devising and regular monitoring of a parish budget, and of policies for the proper maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the parish; long-range financial planning; preparation of an annual financial report; and attention to civil law pertaining to the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.
Relationship to the Pastoral Council -- The parish finance council and the parish pastoral council are distinct consultative bodies in the parish. The parish finance council has responsibility to give counsel to the pastor regarding the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. The parish pastoral council has responsibility to give counsel to the pastor regarding the pastoral activity in the parish. Good communication between the two councils is essential so that the best use of the parish’s temporal goods can be made for the spiritual good of the parish. To facilitate the communication between the two parish councils, it is recommended that one member of each council attend the meetings of the other council.
For Further Reading...
For more information on parish consultative bodies, consider reading the following: