What is the children's liturgy of the word?

The Directory for Masses with Children, an official Roman document produced in 1973, notes that "[In Masses with adults] it is necessary to take great care that the children present do not feel neglected because of their inability to participate or to understand what happens and what is proclaimed in the celebration. Some account should be taken of their presence: for example, by speaking to them directly in the introductory comments (as in the beginning and the end of Mass) and at some point in the homily.
Sometimes, moreover, if the place itself and the nature of the community permit, it will be appropriate to celebrate the liturgy of the word, including a homily, with the children in a separate, but not too distant, room. Then, before the Eucharistic liturgy begins, the children are led to the place where the adults have meanwhile celebrated their own liturgy of the word."
Sometimes, moreover, if the place itself and the nature of the community permit, it will be appropriate to celebrate the liturgy of the word, including a homily, with the children in a separate, but not too distant, room. Then, before the Eucharistic liturgy begins, the children are led to the place where the adults have meanwhile celebrated their own liturgy of the word."
What is read during the children's liturgy of the word?
Our parish uses the Lectionary for Masses with Children for the Children's Liturgy of the Word. "In providing a lectionary for celebrations of the Eucharist in which a considerable number of children are present, the Church intends to lead them into one community of faith, formed by the proclamation of the word of God. In adapting the liturgy for use with children, the Church's goal is to nourish their faith and lead them to 'active, conscious, and authentic' participation in the worship of the whole assembly, but not to establish a different rite for children" (Introduction to the Lectionary for Masses with Children, nn. 11–12). The Lectionary for Masses with Children is based on the Contemporary English Version of the Bible.
2023-2024 Children’s Liturgy of the word Calendar
During the 10:00 am Mass
Ordinary Time – Green
September 10 – Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 8 – Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 19 – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Advent – Purple
December 10 – Second Sunday in Advent
Ordinary Time – Green
January 14 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 11 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Season of Lent – Purple
March 10 – Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
Season of Easter – White
April 14 – Third Sunday of Easter
May 19 – Pentecost (Red)
Ordinary Time – Green
September 10 – Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 8 – Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 19 – Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Advent – Purple
December 10 – Second Sunday in Advent
Ordinary Time – Green
January 14 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 11 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Season of Lent – Purple
March 10 – Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
Season of Easter – White
April 14 – Third Sunday of Easter
May 19 – Pentecost (Red)